Going mental with math.

I'm home alone while everyone else goes to watch a Canuck's hockey game. In contemplating on what to do for the evening, I sit on the front steps of the house to enjoy the sunshine on this first nice warm(ish) day of the year. Saw a bee on some spring primulas and pulled out my phone to take a picture to post on Facebook. I decided to check out what else is happening in Facebook while I'm there.

The strange things that motivate me.

I didn't think that my second posting would be one that needs a disclaimer, but before I post this I will write a disclaimer, and I recommend you read the disclaimer before reading and not complain about any of the content to me.

Toys for girls.

I just saw the video of a commercial for GoldieBlox posted on facebook by a couple of different people. It was by people that I admire for being strong women, but this commercial, and it's sentiment, really, I mean REALLY makes my blood boil.

First post!

This is the first post on my new website. Isn't this fun?

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